Monthly Archives: April 2013

Artist Affirmation

I am to be a free artist, allowing my vision to come through pure and uninhibited. I ask the universe with energy for circumstances that allow my natural essence to be seen. Connect with me, empower me and I will give you the best of me. The gifts of any human can be told by the reflections of what others see in you. I take note of what is being reflected back to me in the form of complements and praises.   There is deep knowing inside of me, beyond all darkness.  I trust that my destiny is being fulfilled. I am divine source energy here to express the fullest part of me. I unleash my full potential. I go beyond the beyond into the purest form of my unique self. I am meant to be here, there are no extra parts. In each moment the universe is guiding me. I remember in darkness that I just flip the switch of perception and all knowing will be revealed to me.

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Introduction of A Blip in Time


Here we are in the new age, a lot has changed on subtle levels.  We have made major shifts in our language, our dietary habits, our thought patterns and old habits.  Old habits died hard in the dark age and as we practice Kundalini Yoga they seem to fall away effortlessly.  My intention here is to express my own personal experiences of my awakening with the hope that they may inspire you or you may be able to relate.

A blip in time refers to the knowing that absolutely everything is ephemeral. Rest easy in that knowing.