Monthly Archives: September 2014

Energy Hoarder

Are you an energy hoarder? I am. I just found out.

Ever since I can remember I would put together a great outfit and not want to wear it for fear of wasting it on an unimportant event. There was something in me that felt I couldn’t waste this gift of creativity because more would not come. It is a lack belief deep in there that believes the stream of creativity is limited.

I find myself having a realization and wanting to share it in my Kundalini classes and then that fear comes it. It says, “Don’t share it now, there could be a better opportunity to share it”. I usually go ahead and share and of course I always have something to share when it comes to teaching.

Now that I am aware of this interesting and very deep-seated belief I can bring awareness to it. I tell myself “Kat, that is an unlimited stream of creativity and abundance flowing to you”. “It is ok to wear that bad-ass outfit, buy that $15 raw burrito and $10 cold pressed juice or share this beautiful realization. All because, the truth is…more is coming.

The unlimited boundless Divine Intelligence is flowing through all of us. It is ok to share because it is abundant; it is energy. Begin to trust that and see the bounty that flows effortlessly to you.
