Monthly Archives: September 2013


I love driving along side the ocean in the evening and seeing the moonlight glimmering on the ocean.  What a sight.  The moon never fails us, it is always waxing and waning.  The sun is sure to come out tomorrow.  We never doubt it or rather we never think about it, we just expect it.  This could be our belief in each day,  that the universe is always conjuring up the next experience.  Letting go of this belief that we must do and achieve.  Developing this trust that every single moment is perfect.  Beginning to notice the evidence of this truth, seeing the subtle reminders everywhere.  To know this is to truly know that all is one.  Connecting to the awareness within, bringing more consciousness to your spirit.  When we do this more often than not, we begin to witness the magic.  This is a belief system journey.  Change your belief systems and your life experience changes.  You must only have a great desire with sweet intentions.