Monthly Archives: December 2013


There is something strange happening here on this planet that we inhabit.  Since the invention of the Internet there seems to be an influx of information inundating our minds.  Everything that surrounds us is absorbed into our consciousness.  We seem to have too much knowledge and maybe not about the things that really benefit us.  There seems to be a disconnect from our own internal wisdom.  I am beginning to get really honest about how I am feeling lately.  Mostly because I just don’t have a choice anymore, it is just what is happening through me.

I have been practicing Kundalini Yoga with a lot of fervor for the past four years.  I was following what I was told what it takes to be a good yogi without question.  Looking back it confounds me that I didn’t question any of this.  I just did it because everyone said it would benefit me and it made sense.  Their reasoning made so much sense at the time.  I wore white because it expands my aura and got rid of my black clothes because that depletes my aura.  That makes sense, but secretly I missed my black tight clothes.

I see all of the information regarding nutrition and why we shouldn’t eat animal protein and just followed along because I didn’t want to look like the inhumane animal killer.

Everywhere you go there is some picture of how someone thinks things should be and we are brainwashed to believe it too.  We have forgotten to listen to our own inner voice.  We need to be reminded that absolutely everything is spiritual.

I guess what I am beginning to really realize is that nothing is forever, really nothing. All ideas are always changing; all belief structures are being redesigned.  I held so tight to some of these things I so reverently believed in.  Those ways of being served me in the moment and now it is time to shift my perspective once again.  I am beginning to learn to be ok with the fact that I am always shifting perspectives.  Can I be easy on myself through all of this? That is the real question.