Just Relax

Just relax. This is what it is all about. It seems to be that we all have an opinion and think it is right.  That is the ego, it wants to be right.  But really we don’t know for sure.  Sure, science may be able to give us empirical evidence.  In the end though, that information is going through the filter of a human being that has its own set of beliefs.   There is sure to be a mishap of observation there.  Regarding diet, it seems that there are groups that believe eating meat has major advantages and others that believe being on a plant based diet is better for your health. Yogis keep a vegetarian diet because when an animal is slaughtered stress hormones are released into the body of the animal. You in turn, consume the stress of the animal.  In Traditional Chinese medicine there is a condition called blood deficiency that can be addressed by consuming red meat.   I am, and I encourage you to do your own research and find your own Sat Nam (Your Truth). I want to make an effort to release my desire to refute any point and just relax. Enjoy life.  Stop beating myself up over the tiniest morsel of sugar.  Let it all go and just be.  I know resistance will come up again and at this moment I am enjoying this feeling of really relaxing about it all.  I don’t need to figure out how I am going to do anything that needs to be done in the future. I am going to make a conscious effort to relax my energy anytime I feel nervous resistance arising.  There is no doubt I will feel this resistance again.  I know in that moment that I am asking for something new and better. Relax

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