
You never know when your genius may show up.  Some of us are born with this incredible talent that is encouraged by our parents and they continue to nurture it.  Some of us struggle for years wondering if we have anything at all to give. We innately want to give.  Gifts are for giving and sharing.  Talent is just unblocked energy.  We are all connected to the source that is creation. Our purpose here is to create.  There are some, like me that may have suppressed our natural gifts due to experiences that made us feel like we may outshine others or fear of criticism.  There are many reasons why some of us deny our own genius.   Taking a moment to really listen to our own feelings and what ignites you.  It is most likely the thing that you are afraid of or the thing that you can talk about for hours.  We all have something unique, it is not just for the elite that you admire and see as successful. Ask your close friends and family what gifts they see in you. Listen and see if it matches up with what you feel you enjoy most. Sometimes we have so many interests we spread ourselves too thin.  Fine tune your energy, get focused and one pointed.  Do little things everyday towards what you love.  Joseph Cambell said “Follow your Bliss”.  We believe we have to do things that we don’t love because we need to pay the bills.  That is a belief system.  Our entire experience is built upon our belief systems.  Honor your gifts and do not compare yourself to others or wish for something else.  Shine bright. We know that everything and everyone is a reflection of our inner world.  If you feel someone is intimidated, it simply means you are intimidated of yourself.  Go beyond your self destruction and do everything with love of the self. Be of service to everyone, help them. Let go of the fear of competition. No one can do it like you do it.


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