Tag Archives: Ambivalence

Mixed Signals

You can call it ambivalence, capriciousness or being fickle.  Whatever the term, it is indecision that keeps us going back and forth.  It is a feeling of not knowing.  We have all had this experience and sometimes very often.  It even happens in the little decisions we make each day such as what we are going to eat, what we are going to wear or what career to chose.  This ambivalence is giving the universe mixed signals.   This is how it works, you decide you want something or would like to experience something.  The universe then starts conjuring up all of the circumstances and people needed to make this happen.  You then start to worry that it is not coming, you believe you do not deserve it or you may change your mind for no good reason at all.  You have now dropped out of the vibration for the universe to bring this thing that you want to you.  All of those circumstances are now changing to fit what you are feeling which is an unsure feeling.  What you can do is make a decision on what you want, feel appreciation for it.  Trust so deeply that it is yours. This part if huge, just sit and watch what happens.  It may or may not look exactly look like what you pictured. Can you just make a decision and trust that no matter what road you take they all take you to exactly where you need to be?  Follow what feels good, its quite simple. Beginning to trust the feeling in your heart center.  The more you trust your feelings, the stronger and more clear they become.

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