Tag Archives: Awaken


What does it mean to live a spiritual life?  In short, it means to know that there is an unseen force that is loving us and supporting us.  You trust the process of life and understand that each moment is a gift so that you may grow into your full potential.  Our purpose is to let go and be present to your emotions.  When you start to feel old patterns emerge, you step back and become a witness to the pain.  You do not get involved in the pain.  You notice the patterns of berating yourself.  This is old conditioning that lives in our collective consciousness.  Spirit is your essence, spirit is the energy that pervades you.  When you begin to awaken to this truth you constantly remind yourself to come back to the zero point with in.  In yogic terms we call this zero point Sunya.  The mind will continue to create problems and thought patterns, this will not end.  It is in the remembering to come back to this zero point that we begin to find equanimity.

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