
I love the quote “Life will give you whatever experience is the most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness” –Eckhart Tolle. That is a deep statement. As we step into a desire to become more expansive, life experiences arise so that we may have the experience and cultivate a new perspective. The experience life has given me in the past year or so is the experience of not having very much money, having just enough or sometimes even the feeling of not having enough. This is a quite a humbling experience. You begin to think back to the times you judged your friends for not having the money to go to dinner or join you at an event and wish you didn’t. As a person on the path seeking you begin to look to the belief systems you carry that prevent your experience of abundance. You realize that you have been conditioned by someone or some experience in the past to come from a place of lack consciousness. It is your choice to transmute those beliefs systems and have the courage to move through the pain of processing the suffering.

There are many lessons to learn during this experience.  I opened up to the idea that there are many free resources that I felt I was too good to open up to when I had the money to do them. It is possible to cook at home most of the time.  I was forced to cancel my yoga membership. One month later I was offered a position to teach at Golden Bridge, so as a teacher I practice for free as an employee. I bartered with massage therapists trading Reiki treatments for massages.  Taking cash out and giving myself a budget each week helps me to be mindful of what I spend. I decided to put myself out there like I never did before. I sent in my resume to jobs I never would have thought I would. I took action while all the time trusting all is perfect. I cried. I panicked. I thought moving away would solve my financial problems.

Then I realized this is exactly what I needed to learn to grow to have compassion. The abundance lies in your experiences. Your self worth is not defined by the amount of money you have in your account but by your connection to the absolute Divine that is within you. You are the Universe and the Universe is abundance. Count your abundance in all of the ways you see it. Feel the gratitude for all that surrounds you. Focus there. Put all of your awareness on the gratitude for this life experience and be excited for what is coming.




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6 thoughts on “Humbled

  1. alohaleya says:

    so good to read your words…and they are beautiful words. there’s so much more to abundance than paper money. even in some abe videos i get tired of the emphasis on becoming a millionaire. i had the thought the other day that it’s just not very creative to manifest winning the lottery…lol. i mean, it’d be nice, but…surely there is more?

    for the past few weeks i’ve been noticing how much is just given to me, whether it is clothes or food or free classes. when we focus on actual money (as i have done), it’s easy to overlook these gifts or dismiss them as not as important. like if there’s money attached to it, it’s more valuable. i’m glad this is shifting for me…all part of the expansion of consciousness. : )

    so happy to know things are well for you. xo aleya.

    • Yes! The abundance is everywhere and the journey is to see it and recognize it. That is what this experience we are having is teaching us. I am glad to know you are expanding here at the same time with me. Much love to you Divine Goddess

  2. Sophie says:

    Thank you for your writing it made me smile. I too have been ‘broke’ and it interested me because my experience spoke to the exact point of your post – that there is a lesson for each of us in our experiences – my experience has been different although I definitely relate to questioning what keeps me from my abundance. My lesson I think has been more about trust and faith. I have regularly been quite terrified about ‘not having enough’ but actually it’s always shown up when I’ve really needed it. Now I’m beginning to get a resounding ‘ hey universe I deserve better than this!’ coming from inside me – it may be that I’m beginning to shift in how much I believe I’m worth xxx

  3. Bryan Reeves says:

    I feel you woman. Amazing how life is perfectly set up for us each to succeed, at least in deepening into our own shared humanity. Great reminder for this moment. Thanks. Bryan.

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