Tag Archives: Compassion

Patience Is A Virtue

I found myself walking through whole foods the other day feeling irritated at people cutting me off and then noticing myself cutting people off as I walk through the busy isles.  I checked in with myself at that moment and noticed there was space for me to be more conscious, to be more patient.  So often we are running around from one place to the next or not even a place to be and we are in such a hurry.  We become so unaware of the other people around us more often than not.  I find myself saying things like “people annoy me” or “who does this guy think he is?”.  It is the inner resistance voice coming up.  It happens when circumstances are looking stressful in my life experience.  My irritation level is on high alert.  When circumstances are looking good this doesn’t happen so often.  So being more conscious of those moments when those impatient thoughts and feelings come.  I notice those feelings and then in the next moment make a new choice to allow someone to go in front of me or smile at the hard workers.  As we bring more consciousness to these types of inner resistant thoughts we are able to transmute them on a higher level.  It happens of itself over time.  I am the first to admit I get agitated easily and with that brings a greater agent for change.  Bashar says, “It’s the rubber band effect, the further you shoot into the darkness, the further you shoot into the light”.  So do not fret if you find you have a lot of resistance inside of you. 



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Forgetting and Remembering…

I am utterly in love with awakening and healing and yet it can be so painful to see your wounds in all of their disgusting glory.  I forget all too often on this journey, I must admit. The moments of remembering just how truly divine I am are the greatest blessings. I say to myself “Oh that is who I am, how could I forget again”.  My feelings of separateness fade away and I am washed in love.  I believe this remembering and forgetting is a part of this shift.  I know this because every single moment is exactly the perfect unfolding of our experience. I am watchful to this knowing, the signs are ubiquitous.  I remember that you are me and I am you.  When I condemn another, I condemn myself.  Your heart is my heart.  When I feel this love, the compassion in my heart in unbearable.  For soon, we will not be afraid anymore.  We will remember and bask in the unity for a great while.  Remaining unattached, knowing that the cycle will end and begin again.


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I have a great desire to help others release resistance because of my own personal struggle. Maybe some of you have it together and everything is perfect.  Kudos to you if that is the case.  It has taken me a while to get to a point where I appreciate the struggle.  I still have my moments asking “why oh why?” They are now lined with a deep trust that I am guided and exactly where I need to be. Struggle will make you a strong asker for new and better.  We all see the world in a certain way according to the life experiences we have had.  I, like everyone else in the world have experienced pain and heart break.  How can you have compassion when you have not had the experience?   We are experiencing certain circumstances so that our soul can evolve.  You just have to relax and trust, stop reacting.  The struggle that you are going through now will pass and you will have another one very soon.  The moment you truly accept that, the struggle is over.  Not everyone is dealing with the same problems.  The experiences we are having are a direct result of what we need to experience to become more aware.  We will keep experiencing the same circumstance until we are ready to transform it. We have a tendency to want to play victim mentality.  We ask why do I have to deal with this? What did I do wrong?  Eckhart Tolle says “Life will give you whatever experience you need for the evolution of your consciousness”.  Find a way to look to how this conflict is serving you, this will shift you from victim to creator mentality.  In my darkness, I find myself.  I emerge new and better.



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