Tag Archives: Fear

Patience Is A Virtue

I found myself walking through whole foods the other day feeling irritated at people cutting me off and then noticing myself cutting people off as I walk through the busy isles.  I checked in with myself at that moment and noticed there was space for me to be more conscious, to be more patient.  So often we are running around from one place to the next or not even a place to be and we are in such a hurry.  We become so unaware of the other people around us more often than not.  I find myself saying things like “people annoy me” or “who does this guy think he is?”.  It is the inner resistance voice coming up.  It happens when circumstances are looking stressful in my life experience.  My irritation level is on high alert.  When circumstances are looking good this doesn’t happen so often.  So being more conscious of those moments when those impatient thoughts and feelings come.  I notice those feelings and then in the next moment make a new choice to allow someone to go in front of me or smile at the hard workers.  As we bring more consciousness to these types of inner resistant thoughts we are able to transmute them on a higher level.  It happens of itself over time.  I am the first to admit I get agitated easily and with that brings a greater agent for change.  Bashar says, “It’s the rubber band effect, the further you shoot into the darkness, the further you shoot into the light”.  So do not fret if you find you have a lot of resistance inside of you. 



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Ex Conspiracy Theorist

In the early stages of my awakening I remember being quite involved in opposing and whining about our governments.  I watched and read everything that concerned conspiracy theories and spoke about them with everyone. I felt it was my need to inform everyone of the act of crime that were being committed upon us, we were victims of horrific violence.  Everyday I would walk outside and see the chemtrails and feel so much anger inside of me, we were victims of silent warfare.  GMOS are now the hot topic.  I was looking at things happening outside of me and feeling incredibly helpless.  This is a part of the process, we look at the world and see what we have created and we are not pleased.  Complaining about our government reminds us of our freedom of speech.  This freedom is our natural state.  We also have the freedom to create new a new paradigm, which we are so beautifully doing.  Resonating with the freedom aspect of ourselves, we expand and break out of the jail cell we have created. We create not by focusing on what is wrong, because in doing that we only give energy to and create more of what we don’t want.  Creation happens by allowing the universal energy to move through us and we are inspired to take action.  Seeing that all of this is a reflection of our collective consciousness that is pushing us create new systems.  To feel that we are having this experience to show us that we do not yet fully understand our unity of all things.  Turn on the light and all darkness is dispelled.  Lets teach each other by example.  Forgiving ourselves. We all have one very important thing in common and that is we are everything, we are connected by the space in between.  Our true self. Let us focus on the truth of remembering our who we really are.  Allowing the divine to flow through us with new ideas and most of all standing tall in our own sovereignty.


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Trigger Happy

What if you decided today to welcome pain? Our natural proclivity is to resist pain. We all have triggers that engage our own personal fears.  We stop ourselves from getting into a relationship or trying something new for fear of failure or rejection.  We remember a time when we were let down by someone or a situation didn’t work out in our favor.  We start to feel those feelings again.  It is quite painful. It actually feels like the end of the world.  We are then consumed by the thoughts and emotions associated with this particular fear.  It can swallow you up very quickly.  I have the good old fear of abandonment program running.  If I feel like I have opened up to someone and it feels like they are pulling away my ego kicks in.  It either wants to cling to the person or run far away.  Those are the two options to protect it from being abandoned.  There is another option and it is so much easier.  It might not feel like it and I promise you that your ego will want to fight this.  It is possible to see the pain as it it comes up and tell yourself things like “oh, this is my old pattern coming up”.   Then say “I am just going to relax and let this be here for a while”. See it as a passing event and however it turns out I will be ok.  It sounds really simple and it is.  You must however actually do it and be so present when these feeling arise.  Catching it in the first moment you feel the heat rising is the way to really change the course of your behavior.  The secret is you have to WANT to change.  Do you really want to feel better? Do you believe that you can?  Do you want to live in peace, joy and harmony? If you do, then do the simple thing.  Relax around your triggers.

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Barrier to Bliss

The feeling when you decide that you just don’t care anymore is freedom.  Freedom is our natural state, stress and worry is the only barrier to our bliss.  Absolutely everything is a choice.  I chose for the past thirty years of my life to worry about what everyone is thinking of me.  I think that is called social anxiety or self consciousness.  In my case I might have been born with it.  I remember hiding behind my mom’s leg when anyone came near me to say hello.  You can forget letting Santa hold me for a photo without an absolute meltdown.  I have faint memories of when I was a teenager and the fear of going somewhere alone was so overwhelming.  My inner thoughts imagined what other people were saying in their head, whether good or bad.  Eckhart Tollle tells us a shy persons ego is ambivalent, it both wants and fears attention.  The fear is that the attention will come in the form of criticism.  This may not be your biggest problem, we all have our set of challenges that we are working on in this YOUniversity.  I am talking to us narcissists that believe everyone is just thinking of you.  The truth is that everyone is so involved in their own incessant rants about their own set of what they believe are their “problems”.  From today on I am going to make the choice to live in my truth and be free of others opinions of me.

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